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Spay and Neuter in Mississauga

Spaying or neutering your pet offers lifelong benefits that greatly enhance their well-being and quality of life. At Erin Mills Centre Animal Hospital, we provide compassionate spay and neuter services to improve your pet’s overall health and happiness. We prioritize care throughout every procedure step, including a follow-up exam for every patient, allowing your pet to receive the comprehensive treatment they deserve.

Located in Mississauga, we proudly provide spaying and neutering for Oakville residents. Our dedicated team will create a personalized treatment plan for your pet to promote their long-term health. If you’re considering spaying or neutering your pet, contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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What Is Spaying?

Spaying is a surgical procedure performed on female animals to remove their reproductive organs. During the surgery, our veterinarian makes an incision in the abdomen and carefully locates and removes both ovaries and the uterus. This procedure effectively prevents the animal from going into heat and eliminates the potential for pregnancy.

What Is Neutering?

Neutering is a surgical procedure performed on male animals to remove their testicles. Our veterinarian makes a small incision in the scrotum, carefully removes the testes, and then closes the incision with sutures. Neutering eliminates the production of sperm and reduces the level of testosterone in your animal.

Benefits of Spay and Neuter

Our spay and neuter clinic acknowledges that sterilizing your pet offers numerous benefits. Our goal is to provide compassionate care and enhance your pet’s quality of life through our spay and neuter services. Benefits of sterilizing your pet include:


Population Control

Spaying and neutering are crucial for controlling the pet population. By preventing unplanned litters, fewer animals end up in shelters or as strays on the streets, reducing the burden on animal rescue organizations and municipal services. This helps address issues related to overpopulation, homelessness, and the euthanasia of healthy animals.

Health Benefits

Spaying involves removing the ovaries and uterus in female pets. This eliminates the risk of uterine infections and greatly reduces the chances of mammary gland tumors, especially if done before the first heat cycle. Neutering eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and reduces the likelihood of prostate problems and certain types of hernias.

Behavioral Improvement

Spaying and neutering can positively impact a pet's behavior. Females in heat may exhibit restless behavior, vocalization to attract males, and potentially aggressive behavior toward other pets. Males may demonstrate territorial marking, aggression, and a tendency to roam in search of females. Spaying and neutering reduce these behaviors, making pets more manageable and less likely to engage in disruptive activities.

Longer Lifespan

Spayed or neutered pets tend to live longer, healthier lives. They are less prone to injuries and diseases that can result from mating behaviors, such as fights with other animals and accidents related to roaming. By eliminating the urge to reproduce, these procedures also reduce the risks associated with childbirth and the stress of caring for offspring.

Our Mississauga Spay and Neuter Clinic Process

Our spay and neuter process begins with a thorough consultation and preoperative examination. During this initial appointment, we assess your pet’s overall health to determine whether it is fit for surgery. We recommend bloodwork to screen for any underlying health conditions affecting anesthesia or recovery. On the day of surgery, pets are admitted in the morning and undergo the procedure under the care of our veterinary team. We prioritize their safety and comfort using modern anesthesia protocols and monitoring equipment.

After surgery, we provide detailed aftercare instructions tailored to your pet’s needs. This includes pain medication to manage discomfort, a cone or collar to prevent licking or chewing at the incision site, and antibiotics, if necessary, to prevent infection. These medications and supplies are sent home with you to promote a smooth recovery process. As part of our comprehensive service package, we schedule a follow-up exam about a week later to check your pet’s healing progress and remove any sutures as needed. This follow-up allows us to check that your pet is recovering well to address any concerns or questions you may have post-surgery.

Spay and Neuter FAQ

We understand you may have questions regarding sterilizing your pet. We strive to answer your questions and provide peace of mind during your pet’s procedure. Common questions regarding spay and neuter are:

At what age should I spay or neuter my pet?

We recommend spaying or neutering around six months of age, before the first heat cycle in females, or before sexual maturity in males. However, the ideal age may vary based on your pet’s breed and health status.

How long does it take for my pet to recover from spaying or neutering?

Pets typically recover within a few days to a week after surgery. Our veterinarian will provide specific aftercare instructions, including monitoring the incision site and administering prescribed medications.

Does spaying or neutering affect my pet's weight?

Due to changes in metabolism and activity levels, your pet may gain weight slightly after spaying or neutering, but, on its own, fixing your pet won’t cause obesity. Proper diet and exercise can help manage your pet’s weight and keep them healthy. Our vet can work with you to determine what a healthy diet should include after their treatment.

Quality Spay and Neuter in Mississauga

At Erin Mills Centre Animal Hospital, we are dedicated to providing compassionate care and comprehensive services for your beloved pets’ long-term welfare. Whether you need to spay your female pet or neuter your male pet, our team is committed to delivering quality treatment and support. Our aftercare is designed to enhance not only your pet’s comfort but also your peace of mind. Contact our Mississauga spay and neuter clinic to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help your pet live a healthier, happier life.